White Label
White Label
Part of the software is whitelabeled, including the logo, favicon, the main color of the frontend and the details for the support page. The whitelabeled files are persisted accross restarts in the docker volume "theme".
The instructions below assume that you have a perception instance up and running.
After changing any of the below settings, make sure to Strg+F5 your browser for the changes to take effect. If this does not work right away, consider deleting all cached data for the page in your browser settings.
Update Logo
To get a copy of the default logo, copy from running container to local directory
To deploy a new logo, copy from local logo to running container
Update Favicon
To get a copy of the default favicon, copy from running container to local directory
docker cp perception-frontend-server-1:/usr/share/nginx/html/isarsoft/app/theme/favicon.ico ./favicon.ico
To deploy a new favicon, copy from local logo to running container
docker cp favicon.ico perception-frontend-server-1:/usr/share/nginx/html/isarsoft/app/theme/favicon.ico
Update Theme and Support
To get a copy of the default frontend theme and support details, copy from running container to local directory
docker cp perception-frontend-server-1:/usr/share/nginx/html/isarsoft/app/theme/theme.json ./theme.json
To deploy new frontend theme, copy from local theme to running container
docker cp theme.json perception-frontend-server-1:/usr/share/nginx/html/isarsoft/app/theme/theme.json
Example content for theme.json: