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The ObjectCount application captures objects in the video stream every few seconds (default 15s) and measures occupancy in configurable areas.

Application Identifier:


Data Channels


    "type":   "AREA"
    "uuid":   # UUID of the area
    "name":   # Readable name
    "tags":   # List of user-definable tags
    "coordinates_uv":  # Closed form path coordinates in uv [u1, v1, u2, v2, u3, v3, ...]
    "coordinates_geo": # Closed form path in geo [lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, lat3, lon3, ...] (if available, otherwise null)
    "area_uv":  # Size of area in "square uv"
    "area_geo": # Size of area in real world square meters (if available, otherwise null)
    "count": {
        "CLASS1": # Object class and count
        "CLASS2": ...


    "type":   "DETECTION"
    "uuid":   # UUID of the analytics objective
    "detections": [
          "class":   # Object class
          "box":     # Box in uv coordinates [u1, v1, u2, v2]
          "geo":     # Geo coordinates [lat, lon] (if available, otherwise null)